Celebrate World Photography Day
Today, every moment, we live photography. From research work to entertainment, from documentation to creating stunning pictorial works of art, photography is everywhere.
Throughout the year, all over the world, holidays and birthdays are regularly celebrated. However, no one had ever designated a day for photography. I strongly feel that it's our duty as photographers to observe World Photography Day on an annual basis.
Over the last few years, I have contacted many distinguished photographic luminaries, important in the field of photography and photographic organizations of various countries, to set a day for the celebration and make it a reality.
I am happy to write that their response was positive. All agreed that we must start and observe World Photography Day.
Most of us know that the first announcement of a photograph was made on August 19th, 1839. This is well documented in photography history books, encyclopedias, as well as in various articles by authors of standing. To confirm authenticity of August 19th as the birth of photography I quote here a few lines from some popular publications and also some well known photographers from various countries:
COPYRIGHT 2003 Photographic Society of America, Inc.
PSA Journal, August, 2003 by O.P. Sharma
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