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 RSS Feed Search Engine Search 8.2 million RSS feeds The most comprehensive RSS feed search on the web Dear RSS Feed Publisher, RSSMicro is happy to announce a free ranking service for RSS feed publishers. FeedRank Checker is tailored to rank millions of RSS feeds and now you have the opportunity to submit your feed and calculate your site FeedRank. (Instant results, no registration is required.)
PageRank PageRank is an algorithm developed by Google which measures the level of importance of a link and correspondent HTML page. As we make more contents available in RSS format the demand grows for a ranking system which can effectively measures the quality of the contents published on RSS feeds. FeedRank
A community vote mechanism developed by some companies for ranking RSS feeds offers a very limited results for millions of active RSS feeds and proved to be insufficient and misleading. Some ranking methods use link popularity and limited traffic data which also offers relatively good results but for a very limited number of feeds. Also certain companies http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/blog/051120-181202 tried to offer customized algorithm which failed in early stages. Unlike others RSSMicro developed a new algorithm which applies to all RSS feeds on global scale, it measures and quantifies several areas in RSS feeds including but not limited to the popularity of the source and a new content analysis algorithm called Feed Delta. Feed Delta Feed Delta is a mechanism in which it measures unique information across articles, ensures the quality of the contents on the source. In an array of articles, all articles must consistently offer rich content so that the array can get a higher delta value, the value represents the Feed Delta in an RSS feed. The concept is based on the fact that computer generated spam websites or websites with little or no valuable content currently have difficulties in simulating an array of articles with high delta values. FeedRank Checker RSSMicro generates the FeedRank results for millions of RSS feeds in its database, you can also submit and calculate FeedRank results for your site on RSSMicro website at: http://www.rssmicro.com/FeedRank.web Or submit a new feed at: http://www.rssmicro.com/FeedSubmit.web FeedRank is a work in progress and the algorithm is constantly being optimized with emerging sources and new publishers, yet the Feed Delta concept behind the data analysis algorithm is well established and passed many tests in RSSMicro labs before launch. | | | ![]() | | | | |
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